Perth Induction Day
We held an amazing Girls Academy Induction Day and welcomed over 320 girls from our 7 Perth Academies to the Girls Academy family.
The purpose of the Induction Day was for our Perth Academies to come together to participate in a range of team building, cultural, and sporting activities, whilst also providing a platform for the girls to meet each other and mingle with members of other local Academies.
Activities included; Health Expo, Guest Speakers, Laser Tag, Bush Tucker, Basketball tournament, group Mosaic art piece and much more! At the end of the day all girls signed their Girls Academy contracts, pledging to commit to their studies and graduate from year 12.
Thank you to everyone who pitched in to either present, run an activity, volunteer, or show their support. A big shout out to Curtin University for being such terrific hosts. Also another big THANKS to Urban Indigenous, Teamworks Development Australia, Laser Corps, Fabulous Catering, Cannington Police Station, St. John’s Ambulance, DFES, Shaun Nannup, Kerise Delcoure, Taliah Payne, Jordin Godula, Irene Stainton, and the Freo Docker’s Women (Hayley, Brianna, and Cassie).