Girls Academy launches in Dubbo
RMLA, in conjunction with Dubbo College, has officially opened Girls Academies at Dubbo College South, Dubbo College Delroy and Dubbo College Senior. The launch event was held on Wednesday 22nd March at the Dubbo College Delroy Campus, with over 175 people in attendance.
NSW has been a major focus for our expansion with over 800 girls now enrolled in NSW Girls Academies. Dubbo will be the largest centre for the Girls Academy in NSW with approximately 225 girls enrolled over the three Dubbo College campuses. The Girls Academy program is a partnership and we appreciate the strong support from the Dubbo schools to welcome this initiative.
“Dubbo College is very excited to be partnering with Girls Academy and looking forward to supporting our girls to be the leaders in their community. Our aim is to improve attendance, advance personal achievement, support girls to complete their HSC and facilitate post school options, so that our girls can be the best version of themselves” said Stacey Exner, Executive Principal of Dubbo College.
The event kicked off with a Welcome to Country delivered by Mrs Diane McNaboe and a Welcome dance was performed by the South Campus Academy Dance Group. We’d like to thank our fantastic guest speakers, Mr Ricky Grace (Girls Academy Founder and CEO ), Ms Yvonne Hill (Aboriginal Learning and Well-being Officer, Department of Education), Alison Bantick (Senior Advisor, Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet) and Stacey Exner (Executive Principal, Dubbo College) and we would also like to acknowledge Aunty Pat Doolan, local Wiradjuri woman, for her attendance and ongoing support of the Girls Academy.
The opening of the Dubbo Girls Academies has been so well received in the Dubbo community and we look forward to achieving fantastic results here