CCI Supports Girls Academy
The Girls Academy received a $20,000 donation from the staff of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA today at a ceremony held at Kiara College.
Kiara Girls Academy Program Manager Lisa Semmens thanked the CCI (WA) staff for choosing the Girls Academy as their Charity Of The Year.
“Without support from the private sector the Girls Academy could not properly deliver the program that equips these students with the tools to complete their studies and go on to become tomorrow’sleaders,” she said.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA CEO Chris Rodwell said CCI staff “have been proud to support Western Australian charities for 20 years, including the students and staff of Girls Academy, to give back to the community in which we operate”.
“It has been a rewarding experience for our committee members and staff to learn over the past year how their fundraising efforts for the Girls Academy have resulted in improvements in students’ attendance and marks at school,” he said.
Pictured Left: L-R: CCI WA Chief Executive Officer Chris Rodwell, student Nakia Newbery, Kiara Girls Academy Program Manager Lisa Semmens, student Lili Hughes, Kiara Girls Academy Development Officer Danielle Toy, student Taneeka Morris, Girls Academy CEO Ricky Grace, and Kiara College Principal Grant Brown.
Pictured Middle: CCI WA Chief Executive Officer Chris Rodwell and Girls Academy CEO Ricky Grace.
Pictured Right: Students Lili Hughes and Taneeka Morris address guests at the cheque presentation