Kids show homeless they care (Broome Advertiser)
Broome Girls Academy students starred in the Broome Advertiser in a report on their wonderful charity work.
The Year 7 Academy students teamed up with Clontarf students and other volunteers to pack 200 bags for local homeless people last week – before the wet season kicks in.
Girls Academy students also made tags for each bag, braided them with red, yellow and black (the colours of the Aboriginal flag) and drew pictures on them around the words “just so you know someone cares”.
Each bag contained a blanket, towel, notepad, pen, water bottle, pillow and toiletries, donated by an anonymous business owner and freighted to town for free by Regal Transport.
Broome Girls Academy Program Manager Kelly Winter said the students were “honoured to be able to put together a special gift for those that do not have much”.
Read more HERE.